Monday, January 26, 2015

solving a start job is running for create volatile files and directories : manjaro linux

I have used Manjaro Linux which is Arch Linux based system for several month. Manjaro using roling system update, so we don't need to install new distribution to use latest version. We only need to upgrade through update manager.

After several times I used roling update then I restart my system boot time take long time, and plymouth like freeze. When I press escape to view error message on boot time. I got this message.
a start job is running for create volatile files and directories
 I search internet but I got nothing to solve my problems, then I try to view my manjaro setting then I take look on kernel section, I know that my kernel is need to be upgrade. Manjaro system will notif recommended kernel version for installed system if newer kernel exist.

Install Recommended kernel from kernel section, after installation finish I restart my system and  it's like a magic all error message and boot time back to normal :).

#good luck have fun

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The first Ubuntu Phone will go on sale in Europe in the second week of February.

Read original post here.

Made by Spanish device company Bq, the handset will mark the first time that an Ubuntu Phone is sold directly to consumers

The First Phone: Specifications

For its first Ubuntu Phone Bq is launching a repurposed version of the its popular Aquaris e4.5 handset preloaded with Ubuntu for Phones.
Unlike the version that developers can (and have) been downloading and flashing to their Nexus devices, the commercial version of Ubuntu on phones will ship with a number of differences in software, including new ‘Aggregator Scopes’, ‘Today Scope’, and support for paid content.
Specifications wise the Aquaris e4.5 is a capable daily driver. It’s a stylish, well built and dependable handset.
  • 4.5-inch screen (qHD resolution @ 540×960)
  • 1.3 GHz Quad Core ARM Cortex A7 (MediaTek)
  • Mali 400 GPU @ 500 MHz (MediaTek)
  • 8GB eMMC Storage
  • 1GB RAM
  • 2150 mAh Battery
  • Dual micro-SIM

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Manjaro XFCE Post Installation Tips and Tricks

To read original article go to here.

It's nearly a year since my last post, a lot of things had happened in between, Placement preparation, couple of interviews, six month internship in Blackberry Platform at Payoda Technologies  and finally completion of my studies. During this period a lot of distros had been released but I stayed with the stable Opensuse, but then I felt KDE version of opensuse is little bit heavy, which can be felt during both start-up and during normal day to day usage(say Eclipse+amarok+chrome) even with 4GB RAM and i3 Processor.

I started my quest for "The best GNU/Linux OS" with Since I wanted a lighter distro but not certainly like Puppy/Tiny and no Ubuntu/Debian forks then by default I left with Arch. But the fear of  two earlier failed attempts to install Arch forced me to try arch fork than arch. Seeing Manjaro  Linux description "Manjaro Linux is a desktop-oriented, user-friendly distribution based on Arch Linux" , I thought I would give it a try. Downloaded and Installed manjaro-xfce- from Manjaro site.

The first thing I noticed with Manjaro is, it's fast start-up and shutdown time, it is comparatively faster than opensuse. Here are the some of tricks which I had done to achieve what's in their description user-friendly distribution. NOTE: No Graphics driver installation tips are given because author himself followed the steps listed in Beginner's guide and finally ended with blank screen even though he only have Intel's Integrated graphics card. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Manjaro Linux: Arch For People Who Don’t Have Time

I am manjaro Linux user, and want to share how arch linux based system transform into friendly distro for end user.

This article originaly from make use of site.

There are plenty of things that make Arch Linux highly appealing to users: it’s always up-to-date, it’s a rolling release, and there’s tons of software available for it in its repositories. But what isn’t so appealing is the learning curve and pure difficulty of setting up an Arch system. If you want the best aspects of Arch, without the bad parts, you need Manjaro Linux.

About Manjaro Linux

Manjaro Linux is an Arch-based distribution, meaning that it runs on the same backbone and the same repositories as Arch itself. It also implements the rolling release upgrade model, meaning that you never have to perform a major upgrade from “release 1″ to “release 2″ – just update your packages and you’ll be up-to-date.
However, unlike Arch, it doesn’t require that users build up systems on their own. This isn’t to say that setting up the Arch way is a bad thing, or that it’s too difficult – there’s plenty of documentation for the job. But some people simply don’t have the time, regardless of their skill level.
There’s a lot of fuss among Arch users whether they should support Manjaro, and while some believe that it goes against everything Arch stands for, I think it’s a good option for those who want it.
Also unlike Arch, there are some defaults when it comes to the included software. For example, Manjaro defaults to the Xfce desktop environment (which is lightweight and awesome), although official Openbox,(a very minimal desktop environment), and KDE (a desktop environment with lots of eye candy) versions are available as well. Other desktop environments, such as Gnome, are available as “Community Editions”.

Don’t Fear the Beta!


Technically speaking, Manjaro is still a beta distribution – its version sits at 0.8.9 at time of writing. This shouldn’t push away any potential users. The main reason why Manjaro is still considered a beta distribution is because of the Manjaro additions to the otherwise stable Arch packages that are installed. Things like the Manjaro installer and the Pacman (package manager) graphical frontend are still beta, but everything else that is on the system are stable versions of the software that Arch offers in its repositories.

Scary Steam for Linux bug erases all the personal files on your PC

Original Article From pcworld

If you’re a Steam fan running Linux, the last thing you’ll want to do in the next few days is mess with your Steam files. Users on Valve’s GitHub Steam for Linux page are complaining about a nasty bug that has the potential to wipe out every single personal file on your PC. Even worse, users say the bug will even wipe out documents on USB connected drives. So much for local backups.
The impact on you at home: The obvious implication if you’re running Steam on Linux is to be wary of the program right now. As a precaution, don’t connect any local external hard drives while you’re running Steam. Users complaining of this bug appear to have moved their .steam or ~/.local/share/steam directories, or invoked Steam’s Bash script with the —reset option enabled.
UPDATE: Valve gave us the following statement: "So far we have had a handful of users report this issue, after they manually moved their Steam install. We have not been able to reproduce the reported issue, but we are adding some additional checks to ensure this is not possible while we continue to investigate. If anyone else has experienced this or has more information, they should email"


Steam’s bug appears to be caused by a line in the Bash script: rm -rf “$STEAMROOT/“*. That command is a basic Bash instruction that tells the computer to remove the STEAMROOT directory and all its sub-directories (folders).
That’s all well and good, but the issue is that if the STEAMROOT folder is not there then the computer interprets the command as rm -rf “/“*, as first reported by Bit-Tech. If you’re not familiar with Bash, that command tells the system to delete everything on your hard drive starting from the root directory.
The saving grace for Linux users is that you can only erase files you have write permissions over. That means the system itself can’t be erased, but pretty much all of a user’s files—including photos and personal documents—would be at risk.
Ironically, the instruction at issue is preceded by a comment from the developer: # Scary!.
Editor's note: This article originally published on 1/16/15, but was updated on 1/17/15 to include Valve's statement.

Porting Code to Python 3 with 2to3

Diving In

So much has changed between Python 2 and Python 3, there are vanishingly few programs that will run unmodified under both. But don’t despair! To help with this transition, Python 3 comes with a utility script called 2to3, which takes your actual Python 2 source code as input and auto-converts as much as it can to Python 3. Case study: porting chardet to Python 3 describes how to run the 2to3 script, then shows some things it can’t fix automatically. This appendix documents what it can fix automatically. 

Unicode string literals

In Python 2, print was a statement. Whatever you wanted to print simply followed the print keyword. In Python 3, print() is a function. Whatever you want to print, pass it to print() like any other function.

Notes Python 2 Python 3
print print()
print 1 print(1)
print 1, 2 print(1, 2)
print 1, 2, print(1, 2, end=' ')
print >>sys.stderr, 1, 2, 3 print(1, 2, 3, file=sys.stderr)

  1. To print a blank line, call print() without any arguments.
  2. To print a single value, call print() with one argument.
  3. To print two values separated by a space, call print() with two arguments.
  4. This one is a little tricky. In Python 2, if you ended a print statement with a comma, it would print the values separated by spaces, then print a trailing space, then stop without printing a carriage return. (Technically, it’s a little more complicated than that. The print statement in Python 2 used a now-deprecated attribute called softspace. Instead of printing a space, Python 2 would set sys.stdout.softspace to 1. The space character wasn’t really printed until something else got printed on the same line. If the next print statement printed a carriage return, sys.stdout.softspace would be set to 0 and the space would never be printed. You probably never noticed the difference unless your application was sensitive to the presence or absence of trailing whitespace in print-generated output.) In Python 3, the way to do this is to pass end=' ' as a keyword argument to the print() function. The end argument defaults to '\n' (a carriage return), so overriding it will suppress the carriage return after printing the other arguments.
  5. In Python 2, you could redirect the output to a pipe — like sys.stderr — by using the >>pipe_name syntax. In Python 3, the way to do this is to pass the pipe in the file keyword argument. The file argument defaults to sys.stdout (standard out), so overriding it will output to a different pipe instead.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Recursive File and Directory Manipulation in Python (Part 3)

Repost from python central.

In Part 2 of this series we expanded our file-searching script to be able to search for multiple file extensions under a tree, and to write the results (all paths to files of matching extensions found) to a log file. Now that we've come to the final part of the series, we'll add more functionality (in the form of functions) to our script to be able to move, copy, and even delete the results of the search.
Before looking at the move/copy/delete functions, we'll first take the subroutine of logging the results to file and encapsulate that in a function also. The following is what that part of our script looked like before:

Recursive File and Directory Manipulation in Python (Part 2)

Repost from python central.

In Part 1 we looked at how to use the os.path.walk and os.walk methods to find and list files of a certain extension under a directory tree. The former function is only present in the Python 2.x, and the latter is available in both Python 2.x and Python 3.x. As we saw in the previous article, the os.path.walk method can be awkward to use, so from now on we'll stick to the os.walk method, this way the script will be simpler and compatible with both branches.
In Part 1 our script traversed all the folders under the topdir variable, but only found files of one extension. Let's now expand that to find files of multiple extensions in select folders under the topdir path. We'll first search for files of three different file extensions: .txt, .pdf, and .doc. Our extens variable will be a list of strings instead of one:

Recursive File and Directory Manipulation in Python (Part 1)

Repost from python central.

If you are looking to utilize Python to manipulate your directory tree or files on your system, there are many tools to help, including Python's standard os module. The following is a simple/basic recipe to assist with finding certain files on your system by file extension.
If you have had the experience of "losing" a file in your system where you don't remember its location and are not even sure of its name, though you remember its type, this is where you might find this recipe useful.
In a way this recipe is a combination of How to Traverse a Directory Tree and Recursive Directory Traversal in Python: Make a list of your movies!, but we'll tweak it a bit and build upon it in part two.
To script this task, we can use the walk function in the os.path module or the walk function in the os module (using Python version 2.x or Python 3.x, respectively).

Thursday, January 15, 2015

30 Python Language Features and Tricks You May Not Know About

I re post this one, from here, when I surfing other python programmer and developer.

Sometimes we don't know about secret of python code, it should be find by self exploring or should be discuss with other python programmer. :-) soo we will get new knowledges. Don't forget to share to other programmer if you have good tips or trick to tweak something. Let's make good knowledges share media with wathever you want.

1.1   Unpacking

>>> a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
>>> a, b, c
(1, 2, 3)
>>> a, b, c = [1, 2, 3]
>>> a, b, c
(1, 2, 3)
>>> a, b, c = (2 * i + 1 for i in range(3))
>>> a, b, c
(1, 3, 5)
>>> a, (b, c), d = [1, (2, 3), 4]
>>> a
>>> b
>>> c
>>> d

Python Performance Tips

Have Been 5 year or may be more :D I used python for create many automation script. In this section I will share something about how to improve performance to speedup python code. This is originally I got from

You can only know what makes your program slow after first getting the program to give correct results, then running it to see if the correct program is slow. When found to be slow, profiling can show what parts of the program are consuming most of the time. A comprehensive but quick-to-run test suite can then ensure that future optimizations don't change the correctness of your program. In short:
  1. Get it right.  
  2. Test it's right. 
  3. Profile if slow.  
  4. Optimise. 
  5. Repeat from 2.  
Certain optimizations amount to good programming style and so should be learned as you learn the language. An example would be moving the calculation of values that don't change within a loop, outside of the loop.